Heavy Equipment Operators
Heavy Equipment Training, Behind the Wheel and You
Each and every day, long before the average individual awakens from their deep rest, long before an alarm clock beeps, and before tea across our country begins to simmer, an event happens that a few select men and women dream of. They aren't of the typical breed. They are driven, from deep within. They were born to drive extreme machines: Grades, Backhoes, Dump Trucks, Loaders, Semi's, Excavators and giant equipment made to do one task, things you already know about and stuff you?ve never even heard of or knew existed. We're talking about tasks that have 1 vital thing in common: it requires a seriously huge machine to get the job done.
Ordinary, common persons get up, attempt to fully wake up with the help of a hot shower, grab their fast food, drive-through breakfast, sit in traffic for what seems like a lifetime or more, to do the exact same thing hundreds of thousands of men and women are destined to do: be chained behind a desk, questioning their career choice.That?s the glimpse of what you may be, but you know deep in your gut, that "ain't" for you.
That?s the glimpse of what you may be, but you know deep in your gut, that "ain't" for you.
The rest of that pathetic job force aren?t too far off from that, but add a clip-on tie, a brightly colored blazer, a tool of their trade: a mop or broom, a spatula, and / or the inevitable frustrating feeling that the choice they made is a dead wringer for years on end of boredom, and the degree of humiliation that results in them having a reason to legitimately bang their head against the wall.
Before that single ignition is turned on and you pump that beast's pedals, releasing a surge of thunderous power to vibrate from your heel to to the end of your hairs, like you?ve just dangled a Easter ham in front of a shark, ever happens, the rest of the world carries on in their usual, predictable way.
That?s the glimpse of what you may be, but you know deep in your gut, that "ain't" for you.
The rest of that pathetic job force aren?t too far off from that, but add a clip-on tie, a brightly colored blazer, a tool of their trade: a mop or broom, a spatula, and / or the inevitable frustrating feeling that the choice they made is a dead wringer for years on end of boredom, and the degree of humiliation that results in them having a reason to legitimately bang their head against the wall.
But, that is not you (thankfully). You were born with unbridled toughness. You?re not the kind of decision maker who drops to the ground, wearing a grimace from ear to ear whenever you stub your finger. Not you. Johnny Cash described a person like you as having gravel in your gut and spit in your eye. Before the common folk crowd ever has the chance to slap their snooze button on their alarm clock, hoping for another 10 minutes, you are already in the seat of an envious combination of steel, fuel, and attitude driven by earth commanding muscle. Sucking in fresh air, sun on your face, and a view few will ever personally witness, there you are, large and in charge. You?re the one who wisely decided long ago, there was no way you were ever going to having your future decided by somebody else or have your destiny dictated to you by some yahoo with a self-appointed, ego stroking title. Go figure. Heavy equipment training obviously isn?t for just anybody, of all people, you definitely already know that.
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Lifetime job and employment assistance and training straight from the driver's seat, this heavy equipment training specialist is turning construction minded dreams into reality.
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